[pept] AMMCS02017 call for submissions

Jacques Carette carette at mcmaster.ca
Thu Feb 23 21:43:00 CET 2017


Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS-2017)
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
August 20-25, 2017

Minisymposium: Symbolic Methods in Code Generation and Programming Languages
(ID: SS-SMCGPL; http://www.ammcs2017.wlu.ca/special-sessions/smcgpl/)

Symbolic Methods in Code Generation and Programming Languages

Symbolic methods are increasingly finding a wide variety of applications 
in and
around programming languages. Starting from their immensely successful 
use in
generation of numerical codes, their applicability is widening to both 
code analysis
(often through abstract interpretation) and even in certain phases of 
themselves, as exemplified in recent probabilistic programming languages.

This session will bring together experts in symbolic computation along 
with programming
languages experts to exchange ideas on the state of the art in this domain.

Abstracts are being accepted for special sessions, contributed sessions, 
and poster presentations.
All participants should submit their abstracts online via the AMMCS-2017 
Management System at

Due: March 15, 2017

SS-SMCGPL Organizers:
Jacques Carette (McMaster University),
Eugene Zima (Wilfrid Laurier University)


AMMCS-2017 is an interdisciplinary international conference in a series
of AMMCS meetings held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The AMMCS Conference
Series aims at promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration
involving mathematical and computational sciences within a larger
international community, and highlighting recent advances in Applied
Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS).

In 2017 the conference will be held in August (August 20-25, 2017).
 From its inception this conference series has been organized in
cooperation with AIMS and SIAM.

The conference provides a unique opportunity for in-depth technical 
and exchange of ideas in all areas involving mathematical and computational
sciences, modeling and simulation, as well as their applications in natural
and social sciences, engineering and technology, industry and finance. 
It offers
to researchers, industrialists, engineers and students to present their 
research, to interact with the experts in the field, and to foster 
collaborations required to meet the challenges of modern science, 
technology, and society.

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