[pept] PEPM 2019: Deadline extended to Oct. 19

Atsushi Igarashi igarashi at kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Oct 13 17:03:17 CEST 2018

                           -- CALL FOR PAPERS --


                      ***  DEADLINE EXTENDED  ***

  * Paper submission deadline : Friday 19th October 2018 (AoE)   <-- NEW!
  * Author notification       : Monday 12th November 2018 (AoE)
  * Workshop                  : TBD (two days between 13th – 19th January 2019)

  * Website : https://popl19.sigplan.org/track/pepm-2019-papers
  * Time    : two days between 13th – 19th January 2019
  * Place   : Cascais/Libon, Portugal (co-located with POPL 2019)

The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM),
which has a history going back to 1991 and has co-located with POPL every year
since 2006, originates in the discoveries of practically useful automated
techniques for evaluating programs with only partial input.  Over the years,
the scope of PEPM has expanded to include a variety of research areas centred
around the theme of semantics-based program manipulation — the systematic
exploitation of treating programs not only as subject to black-box execution,
but also as data structures that can be generated, analysed, and transformed
while establishing or maintaining important semantic properties.


In addition to the traditional PEPM topics (see below), PEPM 2019 welcomes
submissions in new domains, in particular:

  * Semantics based and machine-learning based program synthesis and program

  * Modelling, analysis, and transformation techniques for distributed and
    concurrent protocols and programs, such as session types, linear types, and
    contract specifications.

More generally, topics of interest for PEPM 2019 include, but are not limited

  * Program and model manipulation techniques such as: supercompilation,
    partial evaluation, fusion, on-the-fly program adaptation, active
    libraries, program inversion, slicing, symbolic execution, refactoring,
    decompilation, and obfuscation.

  * Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including
    metaprogramming, generative programming, embedded domain-specific
    languages, program synthesis by sketching and inductive programming, staged
    computation, and model-driven program generation and transformation.

  * Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model
    manipulation such as: abstract interpretation, termination checking,
    binding-time analysis, constraint solving, type systems, automated testing
    and test case generation.

  * Application of the above techniques including case studies of program
    manipulation in real-world (industrial, open-source) projects and software
    development processes, descriptions of robust tools capable of effectively
    handling realistic applications, benchmarking.  Examples of application
    domains include legacy program understanding and transformation, DSL
    implementations, visual languages and end-user programming, scientific
    computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed
    and web-based applications, embedded and resource-limited computation, and

This list of categories is not exhaustive, and we encourage submissions
describing new theories and applications related to semantics-based program
manipulation in general.  If you have a question as to whether a potential
submission is within the scope of the workshop, please contact the programme
co-chairs, Manuel Hermenegildo (http://cliplab.org/herme/) and Atsushi Igarashi

Submission categories and guidelines

Two kinds of submissions will be accepted: Regular Research Papers and Short

  * Regular Research Papers should describe new results, and will be judged on
    originality, correctness, significance, and clarity.  Regular research
    papers must not exceed 12 pages (excluding bibliography).

  * Short Papers may include tool demonstrations and presentations of exciting
    if not fully polished research, and of interesting academic, industrial,
    and open-source applications that are new or unfamiliar.  Short papers must
    not exceed 6 pages (excluding bibliography).

Both kinds of submissions should be typeset using the two-column ‘sigplan’
sub-format of the new ‘acmart’ format available at:


and submitted electronically via HotCRP:


PEPM 2019 will employ lightweight double-blind reviewing according to the rules
of POPL 2019.  Quoting from POPL 2019’s call for papers:

  “submitted papers must adhere to two rules:

    1. author names and institutions must be omitted, and

    2. references to authors’ own related work should be in the third person
       (e.g., not “We build on our previous work ...” but rather “We build on
       the work of ...”).

  The purpose of this process is to help the PC and external reviewers come to
  an initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible
  for them to discover the authors if they were to try.  Nothing should be done
  in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of
  reviewing the paper more difficult.  In particular, important background
  references should not be omitted or anonymized.  In addition, authors should
  feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they
  normally would.  For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the
  web or give talks on their research ideas.”

See POPL 2019’s Submission and Reviewing FAQ page for more information:


Submissions are welcome from PC members (except the two co-chairs) provided
that there are non-PC co-authors.

Accepted papers will appear in formal proceedings published by ACM, and be
included in the ACM Digital Library.  Authors of short papers, however, can ask
for their papers to be left out of the formal proceedings.

At least one author of each accepted contribution must attend the workshop and
present the work.  In the case of tool demonstration papers, a live
demonstration of the described tool is expected.  Suggested topics, evaluation
criteria, and writing guidelines for both research tool demonstration papers
will be made available on the PEPM 2019 web site.

Student participants with accepted papers can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant to
help cover travel expenses and other support.  PAC also offers other support,
such as for child-care expenses during the meeting or for travel costs for
companions of SIGPLAN members with physical disabilities, as well as for travel
from locations outside of North America and Europe.  For details on the PAC
programme, see its web page.

Important dates

  * Paper submission deadline : Friday 19th October 2018 (AoE)
  * Author notification       : Monday 12th November 2018 (AoE)
  * Workshop                  : TBD (two days between 13th – 19th January 2019)

The proceedings are expected to be published 2 weeks pre-conference.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE:  The official publication date is the date the proceedings
are made available in the ACM Digital Library.  This date may be up to two
weeks prior to the first day of your conference.  The official publication date
affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.  (For
those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital
Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the
first day of the conference.)

Best paper award

PEPM 2019 continues the tradition of a Best Paper award.  The winner will be
announced at the workshop.

Programme committee

* Elvira Albert (Complutense U.)
* María Alpuente (U.P. Valencia)
* William Cook (U. Texas, Austin)
* Dana Drachsler Cohen (Technion)
* John Gallagher (Roskilde U)
* Roberto Giacobazzi (U. Verona / IMDEA Software)
* Robert Glueck (U. Copenhagen)
* Manuel Hermenegildo (co-chair) (IMDEA Software)
* Atsushi Igarashi (co-chair) (Kyoto U.)
* Thomas Jensen (INRIA)
* Victor Kuncak (EPFL)
* Julia Lawall (INRIA)
* Michael Leuschel (U. Duesseldorf)
* Annie Liu (SUNY)
* Kazutaka Matsuda (Tohoku U.)
* Jan Midtgaard (U. of Southern Denmark)
* Keiko Nakata (SAP Potsdam)
* Jens Palsberg (UCLA)
* Alberto Pettorossi (U. Roma Tor Vergata)
* Frank Pfenning (CMU)
* Christoph Reichenbach (Lund Univ.)
* Martin Rinard (MIT)
* Kostis Sagonas (Uppsala U.)
* Isao Sasano (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)
* Ilya Sergei (U. College London)
* Harald Søndergaard (U Melbourne)
* Fausto Spoto (U. Verona)
* Elena Zucca (U. Genova)

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